Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Der, die oder das? Die Frage der Menschheit...

Hier stelle ich eine Frage, um welche die ganze Menschheit sich Sorgen gemacht hat: Ist es der, die oder das? Übrigens ist dies ein sprachliches Problem, das man erfährt, wenn er neue Wörter lernt.

Here's a few tips on how to remember which articles go before nouns! Extremely helpful and very visual.

Zu Hause!

Wie kann ich meinen deutschen Wortschatz aufbauen?

Quizlet Flashcards

These flashcards can greatly improve ones vocabulary when used correctly. Each time you see a word on a card, you can listen to the German pronunciation of that word, as well as learning it and adding it to your vocabulary. These flashcards all contain words belonging to vocabulary you may use at home whilst talking about your daily routine.

Please comment below! In my opinion, this is a fantastic way to learn new vocabulary.   

Nachricht des Tages!

Das Hoffenheimer Phantomtor ist nur eine von vielen Fehlentscheidungen.

Fußball beruht auf falschen Tatsachenentscheidungen

The above link will take you to "Die Zeit", a German newspaper which provides information on a variety of subject areas including politics, sport, well-being, society, etc.

Football is known and debatted worldwide for its' controversies and referee decisions, none of which pleases everybody. However, this mysterious goal is still being talked about, mainly because instead of crossing the line, the ball flew through a side net, apparently broken, and landed in the goal which was given.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Nachricht des Tages!

Handy-Affäre: Merkel wurde wahrscheinlich abgehört.

The latest from German politics! Is Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, being watched? Are her private telephone calls being tapped into by the Americans? Find out more on this new revelation by clicking on the link. A chance to learn political vocabulary and new expressions!