Monday, 4 November 2013

Gute Arbeit, Jungs!

Teachers are generally decent decision-makers and know how to value a good piece of work done by a student. However, this doesn't always occur and they treat students very harshly and the students end up under-motivated with the feeling that they can never improve. Here is an article explaining how and why jobs can give you satisfaction.

Gute Arbeit: Professor "Good Work"

Fragen zum Text:

1) Was bedeuten die drei "E" im Interview mit Howard Gardner?
2) Was erforscht Howard Gardner?
3) Was macht er als Beruf?
4) Aus welchen Bereichen kommen die Befragten? 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Wie heißt du?

A basic worksheet of my own creation which could be used to "break the ice" in your first lesson. After the students finish the worksheet, try and encourage them to repeat their sentences out aloud, correcting their pronunciation when necessary. It also links to other basic themes such as numbers, countries, towns, etc. You can download and print it out.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

German conjunctions: Weil, wenn, dass

Conjunctions are our basic tools we need if we want to link sentences together. Seeing as we're looking at the basic German conjunctions, we'll try using them in individual sentences. This is an extremely helpful and interactive video which explains the differences between the main conjunctions weil, wenn and dass. It also tells us how to make sentences with them. Besides, the speaker is American and her explanations are very clear.


1) Make 3 sentences with weil, 3 sentences with wenn and 3 with dass. You can also leave your answers in a comment if you wish!

Zahlen-Memory 1 - 20!

Wondering how to learn numbers? Try playing a game!

Name of game: Zahlen-Memory 1-20
Number of players: 2-3 players
Level: A1

Instructions: Cut out 40 pieces of white paper and write the numbers in figures (1-20) on 20 of them. On the remaining 20 pieces, write the full numbers in letters (i.e. one, two, three, etc.). The pieces have to be shaped like small cards. Now you should have 20 numbered cards (1,3,5) and another 20 cards which say "one", "two", etc. The cards should be placed face down and the idea is to match the numbered cards with the cards displaying the full numbers. As soon as one player finds a pair, they collect that pair. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.


Mit 35 ist der Stress besonders groß...

Die Hälfte aller Deutschen fühlt sich ausgebrannt.

Stress ist wirklich ein starkes Phänomen und oftmals fällt es jemandem schwer, ihn überzuwinden. Aber unglücklicherweise müssen wir damit leben.


Webseite: Mit 35 ist der Stress besonders groß

1) Besuchen Sie die Webseite und versuchen Sie mindestens 10 Nomen und 10 Verben zu finden, und auch Wörter die zu Gesundheit eine Beziehung haben. Schreiben Sie diese Wörter in Ihrem Heft.

2) Was bedeuten diese Zahlen?

- (35-45)
- 1000 Männer und Frauen
- 61%
- 46%
- 40%